[About the Band.]
[Their Music.]
[Press Materials.]

Last Update: 14 August 2024

Next Appearance: None currently scheduled
Listen to Broadside Electric now on BandCamp.

[Broadside Electric.]
321 Grayling Ave., Narberth, PA  19072
+1 (610) 667-9216 •

Contents [Text Only.]:[Help.]:[Site Map.]<<<>>>

[About the Band.]
Everything you wanted to know about Broadside Electric is just a hyperlink away. Read about our history, band news, learn who's who, or just sit back and peruse the incredibly long interview, recorded at a restaurant somewhere near the University of Pennsylvania. We've even included a ton of links for your browsing enjoyment.

[Their Music.]
Still not satisfied? Here's the straight dope on every instrument we've ever taken advantage of, plus liner notes to all our albums, all the lyrics, even our entire repertoire-to-date and the entire Clever Sheep Records catalog. Yow!

But wait! There's more! You also get this fine collection of color and black & white photography, ready for print or web use. We even give you instructions on how to use them!

[Press Materials.]
No band web site would be complete without lots of shameless self-promotion. Not to disappoint, here you'll find quotes, select articles and reviews, places we've performed, plus our online concert calendar.

[Text Only.]:[Help.]:[Site Map.]<<<>>>

About the Band | Their Music | Photography | Press Materials
Contents | Help | Site Map