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![[Press Materials.]](../../images/press.gif)

When I Was A Fair Maid
I listed in the navy, for to serve the Queen.
I listed in the navy, a sailor lad to stand,
for to hear the cannons rattling and the music so grand.
The music so grand, the music so grand,
for to hear the cannons rattling and the music so grand.
Well, the officer who listed me was a tall and handsome man,
He said "You'll make a sailor lad, so come along, my man."
My waist being tall and slender, my fingers long and thin,
Oh the very soon they learned me, I soon exceeded them.
I soon exceeded them
They sent me to bunk and they sent me to bed,
To lie with those sailor lads I never was afraid,
For taking off my blue coat, it oft times made me smile,
For to think I was a sailor and a maiden all the while.
A maiden all the while
They sent me to London town, to guard the Tower,
And I'm sure I might be there until my very dying hour,
But a lady fell in love with me, I told her I was a maid
And she went unto the captain and my secret she betrayed.
My secret she betrayed
Well the captain, he stepped up to me and he asked if this was true.
I dare not, I dare not, I dare not say no.
"'Tis a pity we should lose you, such a sailor lad you made,
It's a pity we should lose you, such a handsome young maid."
A handsome young maid
So it's fare thee well, my captain, you've been so kind to me,
And likewise, my sailor lads, I'm sorry to part with thee
But if ever the navy needs a lad, a sailor I'll remain,
I'll put off my cap and feathers and I'll run the rigging again.
I'll run the rigging again
I'll run the rigging again